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RetireAdvisers℠ virtual guidance is for educational purposes only and does not include specific investment advice. Pension Consultants, Inc. is registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission as an investment adviser. The concepts expressed herein represent the views and opinions of Pension Consultants, Inc., and are not intended as legal, tax, or investment advice for any specific individual, account, or plan.

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(417) 245-2045

300 S. Campbell

Springfield, MO 65806

Retirement Resource Hub

Explore our resource hub to find valuable insights and information on retirement planning. Whether you're seeking answers to common retirement questions or looking for in-depth guidance, we've got you covered.


Traditional vs. Roth 401(k): Which is Best for You?

Traditional vs. Roth 401(k): Understand the differences to make informed choices for your savings. Learn which option suits you best for retirement planning.

Reviewing Paperworks

A Quick Guide for Withdrawing from Your Retirement Plan

Learn how to create a sustainable income stream in retirement with a well-structured withdrawal strategy. Balance living expenses, taxes, and financial goals.

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Retirement Resource Hub

Explore our resource hub to find valuable insights and information on retirement planning. Whether you're seeking answers to common retirement questions or looking for in-depth guidance, we've got you covered.

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